Investor Presentation
Proteome Sciences plc is pleased to announce that Chief Executive Officer, Dr Mariola Soehngen, will provide a live presentation relating to Interim Results via the Investor Meet Company platform on 18th August 2022 at 10:30am BST.
Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2022
Proteome Sciences announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2022.
Milestone towards launch of Single Cell Proteomics services
Proteome Sciences is pleased to announce that the Company has completed the next milestone towards the launch of Single Cell Proteomics services, which will be known as SysQuant® SCP, with the installation of a cellenONE® (Cellenion, France) platform that allows the semi-automated preparation of up to 2,700 cells per week.
Change of Registered Office
The directors of Proteome Sciences announce that the Company’s registered office address has changed to Coveham House, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 3EP with immediate effect.
Result of Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The directors of Proteome Sciences are pleased to announce that at the Company's AGM, held at 12.00 p.m. today, all resolutions were duly passed.
Substantial contract win for Proteome Sciences
Proteome Sciences is pleased to announce that the Company has secured a contract from a major US academic group.
Director/PDMR Shareholding
The Company has received notification from Vulpes Investment Management Pte Ltd ("Vulpes") that on 22 April 2022 it purchased 183,812 ordinary shares of 1p in the capital of the Company ("Ordinary Shares") at a price of 4p per Ordinary Share (the “Purchase”). Following the Purchase, Vulpes has a total direct and indirect interest in 67,475,006 Ordinary Shares, equivalent to 22.86% of Proteome Sciences' total issued share capital.